Temperature ration form -65℉ to 450℉ (-54℃ to 232℃ ) with standard PTFE packing and up to 600℉ (315℃)
with optional PEEK packing
Body materials avallable In SS316, Brass, and Alloy 400.
Various end connection.
Straight and angle patterns.
Various stem tip types.
vee, Regulation, and Soft Seat construction.
Packing nut enables easy external adjustment.
Various handle types.
Stainless steel bar handle, Aluminum bar handle, and Black phenolic knob handle construction.
100% factory tested.
Materials of Construction
Technical Data
▶ Temperature and Pressure Rating
▶ Temperature VS. Working Pressure
▶ Packing and body Materials vs. Temperature and Pressure Rating
Factory Testing
Every NATMAN NNV Series Neele Valve is adjusted for factory testing at 1000 psig (69 bar) with nitrogen.
Seat tests have a maximum allowable leak rate of 0.1 std ㎤/min
Cleaning and Packaging
All valves are cleaned and packaged in accordance with D-Lok standard cleaning and packaging procedures.
Safety in Valve Selection
Selections of valve function and rating, proper installation, material compatibility, operation and maintenance of these
valves are the responsibility of the user.
The system design, application must be taken into consid-eration to ensure optimmal performance and safety.
We accept no liability for any improper selection, installation, operation or maintenance.
Add. 100-58, Gwahaksandan-2ro,19, Gengseo-gu, Busan, Korea Tel. +82-51-941-2350
Fax. +82.51.980.2356
E-mail dlok@d-lok.com copyligh ⓒd-lok corporation. all rights reserved.